After graduating from secondary school and succeeding in the state exams, Anuarite Mathe Kahambu, set her sights on the next chapter in her education. However, with two older brothers still completing their studies, her father said she would have to wait a year. As farmers in the small town of Oicha, financially supporting one, let alone two children, was already a challenge.
Though Anuarite was disappointed, she knew her time would come. But she also knew if she could find a good, affordable university nearby, she could continue on her journey and dream to attend university sooner rather than later.
Then, one day she heard on the radio an advertisement for Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo in nearby Beni. She called the number provided and spoke with a UCBC staff member. She was inspired as the staff member explained UCBC’s philosophy – being transformed to transform, the community focus, Women’s Voices, and the desire to help students not only succeed in their studies but provide a space for spiritual formation.
And, thanks to your support of our NEXT 500 campaign, she was able to enroll at UCBC 2015. Throughout her studies, she learned and enjoyed many aspects of UCBC’s transformative education. But one word stood out from her educational experience – humility.
Anuarite explains, “Through UCBC, I learned that someone can receive a diploma but humility is the key to whatever you go on to do. I learned this from UCBC staff. I took this example of humility and incorporate it into my life and work today. I feel very hopeful that one day the vision of UCBC will be accomplished and I pray that God uses me to expand this vision. I want to be a source of blessings to many and to use my knowledge to help all those who are in need of my service.”
Anuarite graduated this past year with a degree in Computer Engineering and is now working as a database manager at EREST (Renewable Energy and Healthy Environment for All) in Beni. She believes that a better future Congo is possible through the next generation of leaders and wants to play a role in the areas of renewable energy and the environment. She recently visited UCBC on International Women’s Day and spoke on the importance of STEM education and women in sciences.
“I dream of a Congo in which youth are actors not observers. I want to be one of these actors and use my knowledge to help those in need.”